The last week and a half has flown by out here in California, but so far the highlights have included:
Witnessing WWIII between my mother and sister over some comment that was taken out of context. The conflict lasted 3 days (yes, 3 days). And it's still resonating into today, though now they are at least acknowledging each others' presence. Usually I'm the one who's at the heart of these kind of spats so to instead be a spectator is fabulous. And so insightful.
Transcribing my family's exchanges when they don't know I'm around. Since the living room/kitchen/front door/etc. are all on the upper level of our house (our home is built on a hill), all drama occurs on this upstairs stage -- which makes the staircase leading up to it the perfect vantage point for any and all overhearing. The last few nights I've settled in on the bottom step with my laptop, typing furiously to keep up with the comedy that ensues upstairs. It's almost Royal Tenenbaums-esque and would be great fodder for a future book. The thing is practically writing itself so far. Creepy, or brilliant? Not quite sure yet.
My sister's puppy Moxie pooped on her lap in the car as we ate frozen yogurt in a shopping parking lot. Her subsequent freak-out was priceless! And it happened to come right at the end of a tiff we had so it was the ultimate retribution and I got the last laugh. Well, at least Moxie did. Good times.
Okay, maybe that wasn't my last laugh of the day. That same night my sister checked her bank statement online and saw that the frozen yogurt shop had accidentally charged her $90 for her $3 yogurt. Moral of the story: Check your account often.
I got a callback interview this week for a part-time college English teacher position I applied to in Virginia. Pros: The gig pays $35-$45 per hour and wouldn't have taken much of my time since writing is my priority. Cons: They wanted to interview me on Friday (as in the day after tomorrow). I asked if we could reschedule for after January 14th when I'd be back in town but they have to fill all positions for the semester by January 4th. Sigh. They said they'd keep my application on file, though, in case someone drops out. *hoping someone drops out*
My dad is turning 60 this weekend and what better way to celebrate than with a new scientific finding? He (along with his team of scientists) were in the news yesterday for discovering two "super-Earths" orbiting two nearby Sun-like stars. My dad has been a planet hunter for decades and designed the HiRes Spectrometer for the Keck Telescopes in Hawaii in the late '90s, so I'm very proud of him and hope this makes his birthday extra special. (Lord knows the flannel pajamas I bought him as a bday present pale in comparison.)
I'm almost done with my nanowrimo book. I'm currently on page 270 and I think I've got about three more chapters left. Chugging along to the finish line, kiddies. I absolutely have to finish this thing by New Year's Eve or else I will punch myself in the face and dub myself a failure.
America needs to hear the Lance Cowan story
5 days ago
Sounds like your having a blast in California. Don't you just love families?! Some of my happiest and craziest moments are when I'm with them. I've definitely experienced the 'Tenenbaums-esque' situations with my family.
Have a fabulous holiday!
Oh family tiffs! Aren't they wonderful?! Sounds like an eventful time in California. Have a wonderful time :)
Wow your family sounds like my family- my mom and sister LOVE to get into it! Very funny about the dog and congratulations on your book!
Haha, your family sounds like a riot. You will make the finish line!!
I love this little update. It almost makes me wish I were trapped in a house with my entire family too!
Pooped on her lap???? Oh my word. I really don't know what I would have done...probably freaked out too!
Family drama is oh so fun.
Congrats to your dad!
What an entertaining post, thank you! At least now I know that my husband's family (notice I said his family, not mine! My family is perfectly normal of course *wink, wink*) are not the only crazy bunch!
I adore family drama. Just as long as it doesn't frustrate me :D
Awesome updates and good luck on your book! You can do it!
BTW...I have to say that I am expecting the same type of spat between sis and mom next week...heaven help me!!
I'm glad you're almost done with your book. That's great and impressive!
Dude that's crazy about your dad!! I sent the link to my hubby, he is a super weather/constellation nerd and he will geek out. And love the family drama! :-)
Oh my goodness you are too cute. I'm glad you're surviving family interactions. It sounds like you need J to come and join you soon!
Wow, all this happened in a week and a half? It sounds like the makings of a mini-series or a six-week episode of a sitcom (Everybody Loves Raymond style). Hahahah! Good times. Nothing like family and feuding to bring out the writer in all of us! Have a great trip and a Merry Christmas!
I too, am at home with my family for an extended period -- I won't be back in DC til Jan 4. There are some hilariously bad things here too -- family drama is so fun! It is great when I'm not in the fights though. I definitely feel you on that haha!!
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