Quick note to say I just found out
that I was mentioned in Mediabistro last week! (Does a little Irish jig next to the couch, aka my "office.") I've been reading Mediabistro for years now so it -- in the vein of Dirty Harry -- made my day to see
one of my posts alluded to. Some people get their kicks skydiving or smoking crack; I get mine seeing my writing noticed:

Even though this doesn't really
do anything for me in the grand scheme of things, it's still fun to see. When I showed J, he said he was "glad to see the world recognizes the sagacity of [his] advice." Usually I negate 75.3% of everything he says, so I'll let him feel smug for a day or two about this. ;)
Congratulations! This is a very big deal. I love your enthusiasm for your new writing career and I'm happy you made the move to something you enjoy.
Come on over and discuss last week's Mad Men episode!
You go girl! It's nice to be famous :)
Hooooray! Thats a lovely perk for a Tuesday in the "office"! I sort of loved that when I read it in your original post...
Rachel from MJD here. Just wanted to say that this cracked me up. :)
Wow, that's great! Congratulations! You're becoming a real celebrity! : ))
Congrats! looks like we have a celebrity on our hands!!!
When you're famous please remember all of us little people...:-)
That's Fantastic!! I would be super excited too!
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