Brad: "Hopefully this shoot is a Xanadu and not a Xanadon't."
Rachel, straight-faced and after a long pause: "Do you lie awake at night thinking of the worst jokes in the entire world?"
Brad: "No, they just come to me just before I say them. It's part of my gift."
"Perfume is the final step in getting dressed everyday. It's that perfect finishing touch." - Rachel, on the merits of perfume
"This smells too citrus-ey. I'd like a note of it, but not a whole song."
- Rachel on a potential fragrance
"I used to dunk myself in patchouli oil when I was in college." - Rachel being Rachel
A voicemail Brad leaves Rachel while she's in New York: "Hiiiii Rachel, it's Brad. I hope you're having a good time in New York with Taylor. I know you're probably super busy but I just wanted to let you know that my legs look really, really good in short shorts. Byeeee!"
"This shoot is a Xanadu story taking place in a gym and what we need is a big, hunky beefcake." - Brad, after he and Rachel are disappointed with the effeminate male models they've seen so far
"I really need to find the male equivalent of Jessica Stam."
- Rachel, frustrated
"You could've worn that in Paris, but you didn't get invited."
- Brad to Taylor
"Multi-colored, multi-fabric tranny heel. God knows what. It's absolutely all about the thigh high." - Rachel's final fashion advice for the season
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.
Great recap! Thank you for making me laugh!!
Is it sad that i can't wait to buy her perfume? And that i'm going to buy it even if i hate it?
I'm so glad you mentioned the short shorts.
Love the recap, especially since I don't have cable and this is my only link to Rachel Zoe! I wonder if I could find her on hulu?
I REALLY need to start watching this show! Sounds hilarious! If only I could get my two year old to be engaged in something besides Elmo?!
Hey when you get a chance, could you check out my most recent post on writing and momentum? I know we talked briefly about these things but I'd love to hear any additional thoughts you have on this, from one writer to another - thanks babe!
Here is the link: http://www.mandylifeafter30.com/2009/10/when-ideas-are-flowinghow-do-you-make.html
Brad does have some hot legs in shorty shorts :)
love it! the shorts were just wacky.
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