Descriptions of the MIL's place only go so far, so I waited till she was out "peeping the pots" (what she calls taking Lola out for a bathroom break) so I could snap a few pictures of the surroundings:
Oh and for anyone interested in her special female coloring book I mentioned a couple posts ago, I found out you can by it here. With these drawings you should have no problem coloring within the, uh, lines. Moving on...
The next time I'll be
In the meantime reality calls, and reality is expensive.
The 12-month lease on our apartment is up at the beginning of February; signing on for four more months (to carry us till J graduates and we ship out) would bump our rent up to about $1,700, not including utilities. Highway robbery, I say, for a one-bedroom apartment a mile away from the nearest metro stop. So we found a studio up in Silver Spring, Maryland for only $1,000/month and (*breathes heavily into paper bag*) we're canceling our cable TV for our remaining 4 months on the east coast. I can find most of my shows for free online, but Tony Bourdain -- I will have to buy you on iTunes. A sacrifice I'm willing to make. But only for you.
Anyway I haven't started packing yet and have only two weeks to be out of here. Though stressed I'm thankful that by moving (even for such a short time) we'll be able to save about $600 per month. I tend to hang on to everything -- from empty shoe boxes to unread pamphlets -- so filtering out the trash, packing up and cleaning will take up the rest of my month. Joy.
On a final note I got to meet the lovely Carolyn from Hang on Little Tomato for the first time on Saturday morning.
Carolyn is a fashionable attorney from Austin who I met through blogging and we couldn't be more alike. Reading her blog I was convinced we'd mesh and I was right. From our obsessive natures (e.g., listening to one song on repeat for weeks) to our love of the Kardashian sisters and online makeup tutorials, it felt like I was hanging out with an old friend. I hope I get to meet others soon!
Welcome home...for another 4 months. :P
I really liked Avatar, it's the 3-D glasses that made me dizzy though....and those MIL pics are outta this world, lol.
Welcome back! That coloring book really had me laughing out loud and thankful I in the comfort of my home while clicking the link.
Hm, that might make a great gift.... and Carolyn look like long lost besties. I’m not even going to pretend like I’m not totally and completely jealous that the two of you got to meet up. You're both just fabulous, simple as that.
Next time, we're so getting sushi together. I was actually so tempted to drive over them mountains and text guess who's in the SC!
How fun! I really loved Avatar, but we didn't see it in 3D. I'm jealous!
We got rid of our cable a few months back and with the exception of a few shows I don't miss it all that much. Of course there is Roku and streaming Netflix!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously could not stop gushing to my sister about how I'd found my new BFF who is moving to the Bay area and how we're going to hang out when i get there. You're so right - felt like hanging out with an old friend. Good luck w/ the apt hunt! xoxo
Hold up!
Are you and the hubster wearing matching orange sweaters to Avatar? If so, I am incredibly jealous and must match my next outfit to the boy.
Such a cute couple you two make.
Good idea moving up to the MD - save that cash money for later!
Welcome back to D.C. - your temporary home. Wow! I cannot get over your MIL! I thought those sort of people only existed in movies or living in a van down by the river. Wherever did J come from with his love for the law? Great photos. You and your sis look soooo much alike, both beautiful. Good luck packing and moving! It's not fun but it can be reflective and retrospective, in time. Make the most of it as I know you will. Cheers!
Sounds like you had a great time! I hope you'll continue blogging on your cross country road trip- that sounds like a crazy adventure :)
Oh my goodness, Crystal! The outside killed me. What in the heck? Oh and btw...loved the "You Are Gifted" pamphlet on the work table complete with the unicorn. That is amazing. I'm glad you shared so much with us. Thank you.
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