Let it be known that at 10:10 pm, January 30th, Crystal completed her first first manuscript, entitled "In the Hall of the Mountain King," a literary fiction novel about an ex-Nazi doctor who flees to Buenos Aires after WWII to start a new life as a cab driver under an assumed identity.
She can't come to the computer right now because she's overwhelmed with excitement and yes, she realizes it's annoying to talk about herself in the third person, but feels she's earned it now that's she's finished an entire. bloody. manuscript. (!!!) (Finishing said manuscript also entitles her to use such British dialect as "bloody" in lieu of something more crass and unrefined. She is a lady, after all.)
It's true that the clouds didn't part and God didn't speak to her in the psychedelic trip she expected upon typing that final word. But she's still frolicking about in the snow right now, basically pulling these moves in a parka on the sidewalk to share her elation with passing traffic:
J has no comment.
Of course, she realizes that the easy part is behind her. Now the REAL work begins. John Irving once said that half of his life was an act of revision. She says let the revisions begin!
America needs to hear the Lance Cowan story
6 days ago
Congratulations! You and I must be on the same time schedule... I finished my book this week too!
Mobrouk, habiti (Congrats, my dear in Arabic.)
Quite the accomplishment... Self publish?
Congrats! I'm so excited for you but I'll leave the frolicking in the snow to you! Whoo hoo!
Congrats!!! Take it all in because when it gets hard you will need to remember this feeling...right here, right now:-)
Congratulations! <3
Congratulations!! That is an amazing accomplishment. I want to know what it's about!
And that Slater dance had me rolling. I completely forgot about that until you posted it, but my brother and I used to die laughing every time that episode would come on because it's so ridiculous. I may or may not be using it on my blog in the near future, lol!
Is this loosely based on the story of Josef Mengele?
Thank you, everyone!
Daily Connoisseur: Congrats again on your book -- I can't wait to hear what it's about.
Abu: You are a great writer; I'm sure you'll be done with your book soon here! No self-publishing for me. If I was writing non-fiction I might consider it.
Lauren: You sure you don't want to join? ;)
Shawna: You are so right. I wish there was a way to bottle this unfettered feeling.
London Girl: Thanks!
Mrs. Priss: AC Slater...no words. The first clip that came to my mind when I needed a video of a crazy dancer was this one. My sibs and I used to laugh every time at this episode too. Classic television.
Anon: Not really, but good question. Other than sharing the similarity of being doctors my main character has a different story and isn't quite as...evil, so to speak.
Congratulations! Cannot wait to read it!
Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!
Congratulations! I hope to read it someday.
Congratulations! What an exciting accomplishment. I didn't finish a novel this weekend, but I did buy a condo, go on my first date after a year of mourning the end of my marriage and pass a certification exam. I do think 2010 is going to be a MUCH, MUCH better year! Hope to read your novel one day!
YAY! Congrats! : ]
Way to go! Now revise, revise, revise. Then revise all the revisions. Best of luck as you go forward.
Way to go Crystal! I'm doing the Slater dance too and I'm throwing in a few Thriller moves and Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air too. Even Vivian is joining in with me. If only you could see us.... Awesome, awesome news! Now the editing and the querying begins, right?! Enjoy this moment. It must be a wonderful feeling. Wish I could toast with you in person.
Congratulations, that is spectacular news!!!
Good luck on the revisions! Can't wait to hear when you PUBLISH! WOO HOO!
You ROCK, Tay Tay!!! I can't wait to read it. Still can't believe you wrote historical fiction... crazy child!
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