Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille"

Justine over at Justine's Living Lean recently nominated me for the nifty blog award pictured above. Thanks so much, Justine, and to everyone else who reads! Without you my written words would just be ink on paper ... er, you know what I mean. In the great words of Sally Field, "You like me! You really, really like me!" With that, here's some other blogs I "really, really like" ...


Budget Mama said...

Wow! Congratulations on the blog award nomination. It's well deserved, your blog is great!

AND.... Wow again! Thanks so much for reading my blog :o) I appreciate the blog love!

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate your vote! :) Great site here, and will be exploring your blog in more detail!

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