Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Poverty Sucks

I was at The Nana's house yesterday going through some old framed art she had when I came across this delightful poster:

I think this about sums up poverty versus wealth perfectly.


Anonymous said...

I love that you found this treasure!

dors said...

I was thinking exactly the same thing today! Poverty does suck. However I wasn't exactly picturing that.

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

I swear, does this Nana really exist? She is the coolest.

Crystal said...

Yes, she really does exist! :)

Mandy said...

I love the advertisting back in the day -- when you didn't have to be politically or ethnically correct all the time. It was so clever and so wonderful to read!

Check out these sites for fun when you feel like browsing....

COL said...

My brother had that poster in his room. He also had "The Official Preppy Handbook"

very married said...

ha! so funny/true!

Andi said...

Love it!!

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