We had a lot of fun celebrating our two-year and the best part is we didn't spend a lot to enjoy ourselves. Since we're trying to save as much money as we can, we decided to do something low-key to celebrate ... so we rented a canoe! I wanted to try something I'd never done before and since it was a beautiful day on the Potomac on Sunday, we rented a canoe from a boat house in Georgetown and spent two hours paddling (well he paddled, I lazed in the sun and made conversation) up and down the river ...

The Kennedy Center (above) behind my paddle-crazy husband.

Yes, that's it. Keep paddling my love ...

We even got to watch the President's helicopter (Marine 1) pass over us on its way to the White House (above), carting the Obamas back from Camp David. That was Sunday, total cost: a whopping $8 an hour. Overall less than the cost of going to a movie for two.
Then on Monday (our real anniversary), we got all dressed up and went to a romantic Italian bistro in Old Town Alexandria for dinner and to exchange gifts. The restaurant was fancy, but with two entrees, salads and a bottle of wine, the bill came out to a little less than $100.
Totally not bad, considering last year we spent a few
hundred dollars on our anniversary dinner. We both also agreed that we wouldn't spend a lot on presents this year (with me self-employed the thought of spending $300 on Ferragamo cuff links -- which is what I
really wanted to buy him -- just couldn't be justified). So I bought him a wallet instead, since his other was getting old and worn out. And, being the good husband he is, he bought me ...
Mad Men Season 2!!! I was half-expecting it since it's no secret I am obsessed, but I'd also been hinting about wanting a vintage Royal typewriter to write with, like so:

(It didn't
need to be pink, but I wouldn't have complained!) He told me later that a typewriter was his first choice, but all the functional ones on eBay he bid on had reserves of $500. Ugh. Oh well, someday. For now I'm beyond ecstatic about my Season 2 gift!
You live in a gorgeous town!
How fun!! And what a different thing to try for a special occasion! Too bad about the typewriter....maybe the perfect one just isn't listed for you on eBay yet. Happy anni!
That looks like so much fun. What a gorgeous day to be on water too. And no one flipped over into the river, what a relief. Way to go Miss Frugal on finding something fun and affordable. Again, Happy Anniversary!
You definitely need that pink typewriter someday! Promise me that you'll only use it to write. If I begin to hear stories about a modern day beauty playing "Catch me if you can" writing forged checks and flying Pam Am, then I'll know who they're speaking of. You better come rescue me here from the South while you're doing it! ;-)
What a lovely idea! The pics are great! Glad you two had a fun few days!
sounds like you had some fun days :)
You two are too cute. I love the canoe idea and I don't think $100 is bad for a nice dinner, especially in that area.
What fun..I like all things sporty so canoeing is great. And that pic of you with the monument? Absolutely fantastic. Found your blog from Mandy's list. Great to be in such good company.
Yay what a fabulous anniversary celebration!!
P.S. I too want a pink typewriter, but goodness, they are PRICEY.
The typewriter is to die for. At least you had a gorgeous (cheap) day together.
Awww, happy anniversary!
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