So it looks like my plan of avoiding both Peter Griffin and my mailbox failed. Miserably. The letter came yesterday. I didn't check my mailbox till late last night -- both J and I decided to open it as sparingly as possible this week. All I can say is damn you, curiosity. Once again, you've gotten the best of me. *Raises clenched fist to the sky.*
I was having an excellent day, singing along to the radio at the top of my lungs in the car and proudly wearing my new six-dollar eye shadow as if it was a new Dior dress. I felt hot, sassy and in control. I even chatted with Peter Griffin a bit, just to brighten his perverted day. But later all that didn't matter.
I suddenly felt sick when I opened the little aluminum door and saw the back of the single, ecru envelope sitting inside. Kind of like someone had punched me hard in the chest, or like the time I belly flopped into a pool after one too many margaritas and gotten the wind knocked out of me. I thought I was going to hurl. I took the letter to our apartment, handed it to J, then -- even though I told myself I wasn't going to cry -- shed a lone teardrop. Oh the dramatics. "Great," I thought, "now, on top of everything else, I'm carrying on like a tacky supporting character in a Lifetime movie."
And of COURSE the day the letter came was a day when we got no other mail -- not even the usual pile of junk inserts that make me feel like a semi-important person for having to sift through them. That was the salt in the wound. Is it too much to ask to somehow find a way back West? Also, whether we could go back home for Thanksgiving hinged on this job. Now that it's gone we don't want to spend our savings on $1,200 worth of plane tickets for a four-day weekend, so it looks like this will be the second year I'll have to Skype my family over turkey dinner. Someone up there must really hate me -- first the Patrick Swayze news, now this.
J took the bad news as he usually does: even-keel and stolid. The man has nerves of steel. Unlike me, things just don't get to him. I'm the hyper-emotional one; he's the rational one. If this was The Birdcage, he'd be Robin Williams and I'd be Nathan Lane, begging for my aspirins "with the little A's scratched off". So after about an hour of sitting in silence, me wondering whether it was a good time to suggest my brilliant idea of living out of a VW Bus and pretending we're hippies on a trip across America, he simply said "Well, that's that. Nothing we can do now, ju
Anyway, he went on to reassure me that this doesn't mean that we won't move back to California after graduation, it just makes the search narrower and harder. This opportunity would have been a diamond in the rough. "Stupid collapsed state budget," I mumbled.
Well, after his pitiful attempt at cheering us both up, it was my turn. I put on Bob Seger's "Night Moves", cranked up the volume and opened a bottle of red for us ... the bottle we were saving to celebrate with when he got a job. Eff it, I thought. Rules were made to be broken anyway.
(Photo source.)
*Except here in good ol' DC, and I refuse ... refuse ... to stay here. I told him my "contract" was for three years -- the duration of his school's program -- and after that I'm outta here.** I've also recently added that I refuse to have babies here, so if he doesn't want a family, then he can stay.
**Realistically I cannot live without J, but reiterating this "contract" bit seems to scare him enough into not getting too comfy with the job market here. That's what he gets for marrying someone he's referred to as "slightly deranged." Muwahahaha.
Such a bummer. Sorry to hear to bad news - I'm on a job hunt too because my mister has had enough of waiting around the city for me - keep trying!
I'm so sad for you but that photo of "Dawson" really cracked me up. So I sit here crying and laughing thanks to you. It is a very "Steel Magnolias" kind of post! But that's why I adore you.
Anyway, I'm heartbroken for you and J. I just hope it means that this job would've really sucked and that the big fish is coming very soon for you both and you'll be like ____ law firm who! Maybe the next job will be near San Diego where you love to be. Who knows! Don't give up! And don't stop being his cheerleader. Shall I send you some Spartan cheerleader lines and moves? B/c you know I've got them! (U.G.L.Y., you ain't got no alibi....) :-)
Hugs to you both! Definitely have more of that red wine and feel free to drown your sorrows if you need to. Then do something to cheer yourself up - like leave a love note for Peter Griffin in his mailbox - from a secret admirer? ;-)
You're both talented people and I just know that you'll both be recognized soon for your skills. Hang in there!
I'm so sorry to hear this. I was really pulling for you guys! I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and in time everything will work out. Best of luck to you both!
So sorry :( A little red wine (or white zen in my case) always helps to ease the pain. Well, darn, I can't be of much help for the California law scene, but I do have some contacts in Kansas City. Would you settle for halfway? ;) Ha ha.
Well that stinks! I just know something bigger and better will come along soon so don't worry(yes I know that's easy for me to say cause my hubby's only got 2 weeks of law school under his belt and is no where near the job market.) Even still, everything will work out and at least come May you won't have to be in DC anymore!
First I have to say that that picture of the guy from Dawson's Creek is HYSTERICAL!!!!! Could you imagine being an actor and finding that picture of yourself via Google! LMAOL!!!! Woooah, and I thought I had problems.
Seriously though, too bad on the job thing. The market does S.U.C.K. but keep being optimistic -- even if you are doing it with a clenched fist raised in the air:)
I'm so sorry. Really. :(
I know what it's like to pin your hopes on that one, perfect-for-you-how-could-it-not-be!?-job ...
Aw I am sorry to hear this. :( But I have a feeling one day very soon you're going to announce a "good news!" post and then even farther you will blog and say "it's a good thing we didn't get that job" and reference back to this one. Because that's how life works... something better will come along right when you need it. In the meantime, continue loving each other and drinking that red wine. ;)
So sorry to hear it. Red wine will make it better.
Drat, drat, drat. Well, maybe the universe will radiate some other, better opportunity your way. Stay positive and do keeping putting it out there!
I am sorry to hear the news about the job, but he's right...gotta keep on trying!
I'm sorry it didn't work out, sweets. Just remember that everything happens for a reason. Ugh finding a job in law school is such a pain, I can't imagine having to do it in this economy. Oodles of hugs!!
I'm sorry about that. It's all going to work out hopefully without too much drama and nerve wrenching waiting periods in the future.
Glad to hear your Mr. J is such a solid type of guy who does not freak out when times get tough! You found a good 'un there sister. Have another bottle of wine on me, as I am still looking for a job too, since April now.
Your DC is my LA, it effing sucks! And your California is my San Francisco. i feel you sister! Stay strong!
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