Anyway, she named me as one of her top 7 favorite blogs to read and I'm beyond flattered! With every award, though, there comes a set of rules, but you guys all know the drill by now: I name 7 things I love (so y'all can get to know me better), and then I list my top 7 favorite bloggers. So I'm going to make like Julie Andrews in "Sound of Music" and let you in on a few of my favorite things:
- Classic movies. Turner Classic Movies is one of my favorite channels and there's little more I love than spending my Sundays lazing on the couch with Lola, watching some Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant flick. (Although she doesn't speak English, it seems Lola may have an affinity toward Humphrey Bogart, but I could be wrong.) After I'm done watching, I love going online and researching the back story on the director, the filming, the cast, costumes, etc. Needless to say, I'm a walking encylopedia of classic film trivia.
- Seeing live music. Whether it be giant arena concerts or just small local venues, I get a rise out of watching bands and/or DJs perform. Music is a big part of my life and I thrive on the electricity in the air at music shows, surrounded by others who can't help but dance and be happy. Some of my favorite concerts have been: David Bowie, Steely Dan, Depeche Mode and Britney (of course).
- Traveling; therefore I (majorly) heart the Travel Channel. When I scrounge up enough funds to make traveling a full-time gig, I'll hopefully be spending months at a time abroad, penning my novels at a desk near an open villa window that overlooks some vineyard near Siena.
- Spending time with friends and family. When people ask me what I think the meaning of life is, I tell them I don't have to "think" -- I already know. It's all about the relationships you cultivate with those around you. What is your life if you don't have great memories? In the end, that's all anybody is left with.
- Shoes -- preferably those of the high-heel variety. When I'm an old lady my feet will probably look like gnarled old stumps of their former selves with all the high-heel wearing I currently partake in, but I can't help myself. There's something so fashionable and empowering about wearing a perfectly cut 3.5-inch pointy toe stiletto ... or 4-inch cork wedge (I've got 3 different pairs) ... or, well, you get the point. The higher, the better. Which reminds me, I saw these at the mall today, drooled through the store window, but walked away with my willpower in tow. (I so wanted to strut in and maybe just try them on, but who are we kidding, that would have led to me buying them and right now I haven't budgeted for impulse shoe purchases. Sigh.) Pressing forward ....
- Picnics. Cheap, fun way to have a romantic date with Love. Half the fun of the picnic for me is going to a gourmet deli or even Trader Joe's and stocking up on little culinary indulgences like different kinds of cheeses, olives and wines. Mmmm....
- Italy. 'Nough said.
- Bonjour Madame - Reading this blog makes me wish I was in France, oh, every single day. Madame Stephanie loves France as much as I do, and has great photos, commentary and music to set the mood of every post.
- Fete a Fete - Tami at Fete a Fete always features fabulous foods, beauty products and fashions that make me want to go out and spend more money! She very much is "a bon vivant when it comes to chasing after sinful gourmet treats or tracking down the newest beauty potion."
- Frugal in Virginia - Dana at Frugal in Virginia definitely knows a thing or two about how and when to snap up the best deals, especially when it comes to grocery shopping. Since following her blog, I have saved hundred of dollars at places like Safeway because she educates readers on every little deal out there. And believe me, people, that is no small feat.
- Lifestyles of the Fit and Fabulous - My sister (who's a Division 1 tennis player in college) is also a huge health nut. (I mean that in a good way.) She lives and breaths health and nutrition and has a fabulous body to show as a result (no butch tennis player body here, chickadees, think more a tan Anna Kournikova). Sis just started a blog to share her wealth of knowledge and I'm proud to be able to feature it in my list. :)
- A Gai Shan Life - Reading this blog is like watching a well-done reality show. Revanche lets us in on all the little details that make her a three-dimensional character to us digital folk. From her monthly financial snapshots to pics of her latest Mac 'N' Cheese masterpiece, I love checking in to see what she's up to.
- Fortuna Finds - Everytime I read Fortuna's blog, I end up laughing out loud. Writing with subtle, humorous wit is a true art, and she's got it down pat. Good read, cracks me up every time.
- She's Little and Lovely - If you like me, then you'll love Emilita, who through myriad emails back and forth I've found is essentially my doppleganger. As we are both tap-dancing journalists, I highly suggest checking out her blog, where she posts insightful observations on life, fashion and -- most importantly -- makeup. ;)
You definitely do rock! I'm going to check out all the other bloggers you list. These are new to me and I can't wait to see them.
D'aw! Thank you!
Merci ma cherie! :)
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